Skull and Bones Gameplay Video

Later it was revealed by the company Ubisoft that the viral video was real and has some reference to the gameplay. Though all the facts were not true, the video which showed the shame levels and the levels that increase was real. The game is all about the pirates and all of the stuff related to it. The video showcased a tutorial of the game and showed how to level up your gameplay. It is also shown that the reputation increases depending upon the levels of the gameplay. And as you level up, there will be higher risks and rewards. The game includes the stuff which is associated with pirates.

Ubisoft’s Skull and Bones Gameplay Video Leaked

The game involves, getting lands, sailing, boarding, and exploring. This game is a survival game and as the video shows, as long as you survive and play, you will gain more rewards. The representatives told that this is an early version of the game and since then there are many updates going on. As said by the team, the game was first set to release in 2019 but due to some drawbacks, there was a delay in the release. They also said that many updates and changes are been made in the game and There will be more extensions added to the game till the release. The game was first shown at the E3 back in the year 2017. The official page of the game has only one post and then there was no update since then date. The first post was about the game and the name and stuff related to it. And now after years, there is a statement regarding the viral video and this is the second post since then. Maybe there will be an update from the company in the future. But people are excited after seeing the video and are looking forward to the release of the game.


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