Who Is Remsley Eisden From Dordrecht?

The person who was shot was identified as 36 years old Remsley Eidsen from Dordrecht, Zuid Holland and the born was born in Curacao and then shifted to the Netherlands when he was just 15 years old. In a video message obtained that was shot the last year, the deceased said that he was having a good life in the Netherlands. Forensics have found multiple shell casings as there were multiple shots fired and police have said that the shooting occurred around 12:30 am on Sunday and the person was shot fatally. While the police have also seized the area and are looking for witnesses. While some people who were nearby are giving their perspectives on the shooting.

What Happened With Remsley Eisden From Dordrecht?

Netherlands police have stated that they were informed about a shooting that occurred in the Dordrecht area and when they arrived they found a person dead inside his car. The body was shot and the people who heard firing and called the police stated that they heard multiple fire shots and they also said that they were terrified as well. This shooting occurred on Sunday and the person who was found dead was in his car aged 36 years old. Until now police have not arrested any person regarding this case and they have shut down a local café as the shooting occurred there the car along with the body was taken away by the police and the area is seized for some time.

A Dordrecht Man Shot To Death While Sitting In His Car Video

Police have stated that the video that they obtained from the victim filmed that he was happy in the Netherlands and he was residing there with his family, his wife and his children as well. While the witnesses told the police that they heard multiple shots nearly 12 in a time span of eight seconds, while the forensics found 14 bullets near the crime scene which were shot at the car and the victim as well. Eidsen said in the video that he was happy in the Netherlands and never wanted to return to his birthplace while he posted that video of him in July 2021.


Who Is Remsley Eisden From Dordrecht  A Man Shot To Death While Sitting In His Car Video Viral  - 24Who Is Remsley Eisden From Dordrecht  A Man Shot To Death While Sitting In His Car Video Viral  - 75Who Is Remsley Eisden From Dordrecht  A Man Shot To Death While Sitting In His Car Video Viral  - 96